Windows Kopi UI connect laptop to server - possible?


Laptop hostname: jlap user: Admin


PC hostname: ahost user: jackp

both on the same wifi network

KopiaUI is running fine on PC snapshots scheduled

from C:\Users\jackp to E:\backups locally.

I would like to run KopiaUI on jlap C:\Users\Admin to the Kopia Repository Server on PC or another Kopia repository on PC.


The connectivity from laptop is such I can see the PC hostname under Network in Explorer and I have logged on with PC credentials and see \AHOST\Users\jackp folder and another disk F: on the AHOST

Does this mean I have the required connectivity ?


Now on the laptop I choose connect to Kopia Repository Server.

I am prompted for server address so I enter


A second field says enter truster server certificate fingerprint at server startup

The server Repository page lists encryption/hash/splitter algorithms and connected as jackp@ahost but I don’t see any server certificate fingerprint mentioned.

What is this certificate fingerprint ? where would I find it ? Have I missed any steps ?

I then tried leaving it blank (should I be able to?)

I was asked for Server Password and it tries to connect as Admin@jlap (laptop credentials) and its asking for Repository Description.

Is it wanting to create a new repository on the server or need to connect to an existing one ?

I tried putting in the name of existing repository on server Jacky but Unavailable desc - name resolver error produced zero addresses

Help Please :slight_smile:

Please let me know if what I am trying should be possible and any pointers to diagnose what’s stopping it working.

Am I missing some pre-requisite tasks ?

You might need to setup the server first.
Repository Server | Kopia